Results for 'Lucille Roy Bureau'

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  1.  13
    Contribution de l'éthique.Lucille Roy Bureau - 2009 - In Christiane Gohier & France Jutras, Repères pour l'éthique professionnelle des enseignants. Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec. pp. 115.
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    Saving Animals: A Long Moral Arc.Lucille C. Thibodeau - 2023 - Journal of Animal Ethics 13 (1):80-87.
    Saving Animals, a study of three different kinds of animal sanctuaries, is the first major ethnography to describe how sanctuaries “unmake” the notion of animals as property that reduces them to “bare life.” The study relies on numerous engaging narratives about rescue animals, their mutual interactions, and their interactions with the people who care for them—narratives that illustrate how the sentience and subjectivity of animals provide a firm ground for the author's ethical considerations. An animal sanctuary is ideally an intentional (...)
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  3. Bible Characters in Cross Word Puzzles.Lucile Pettigrew Johnson - unknown
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  4. Verse: Winter Sleep.Lucille Griph Maharry - 1962 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1):83.
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    Environmental Ethics, Volume 1, Number 4, Winter 1979.Lucille D. Torres, Jane F. Uebelhoer, John N. Martin, Steve Rhodes & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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  6. Science and colonial expansion : the role of the British Royal Botanical Gardens.Lucille H. Brockway - 2011 - In Sandra Harding, The postcolonial science and technology studies reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
  7. Darwin's Influence on Freud. A Tale of Two Sciences.Lucille B. Ritvo & Andre E. Haynal - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (1):155.
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  8. Les restes humains : législation, intérêt scientifique et enjeu éthique des ensembles anthropobiologiques, de Yann Ardagna et Anne Chaillou.Lucile Bousquié - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (3-4):152-153.
    Review of the 2022 book by Yann Ardagna and Anne Chaillou, Les restes humains : législation, intérêt scientifique et enjeu éthique des ensembles anthropobiologiques.
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    Mistaking the Text: A Missed Opportunity for Dialogue.Lucille L. T. Eckrich - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:316-318.
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  10. Collapsing Knowledge: Art Education and the Epistemology of Psychoanalysis.Lucille Holmes - 2009 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 15:141.
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  11. Verse: Legacy.Lucille Gripp Maharry - 1962 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 43 (3):373.
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    Raw data or hypersymbols? Meaning-making with digital data, between discursive processes and machinic procedures.Lucile Crémier, Maude Bonenfant & Laura Iseut Lafrance St-Martin - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (230):189-212.
    The large-scale and intensive collection and analysis of digital data (commonly called “Big Data”) has become a common, popular, and consensual research method for the social sciences, as the automation of data collection, mathematization of analysis, and digital objectification reinforce both its efficiency and truth-value. This article opens with a critical review of the literature on data collection and analysis, and summarizes current ethical discussions focusing on these technologies. A semiotic model of data production and circulation is then introduced to (...)
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    Souffrances animales et traditions humaines: rompre le silence.Lucile Desblache (ed.) - 2014 - Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon.
    "À l'ère postmoderne des incertitudes économiques et des défis identitaires qui sont ceux du XXIe siècle, penser l'être humain, c'est aussi explorer ou définir les univers non humains qui l'entourent. Toutefois, cette exploration est le plus souvent abstraite, figurative ou illustrative et reflète quasi exclusivement des intérêts humains. Elle instrumentalise ainsi les animaux, relégués à un rôle accessoire ou symbolique au profit d'une analyse concernée par l'humain et sa 'différence'. Cet ouvrage se départ de cette tendance pour considérer les responsabilités (...)
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    Feminist collective memory and nostalgia in gynaecological self-help in contemporary Europe.Lucile Quéré - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (3):337-352.
    Gynaecological self-help, a well-known and historical feminist practice from the Second Wave movements which aims at embodying a radical alternative to traditional reproductive politics, is resurging today in France, Switzerland and Belgium. Drawing on empirical observations and interviews, this article questions the links between feminist memory of self-help, the shaping of nostalgia and the production of a political feminist ‘we’. Born at the end of the 1960s in the United States, feminist self-help travelled internationally and was appropriated differently depending on (...)
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    Introduction to special issue.Lucile Quéré & Éléonore Lépinard - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (3):299-304.
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    Infants, children and adolescents.Lucile Newman - forthcoming - Women's Rights and Bioethics:37.
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    La politique par le détour de l'art, de l'éthique et de la philosophie.Lucille Beaudry & Lawrence Olivier (eds.) - 2001 - Sainte-Foy: Sainte-Foy : Presses de l'Université du Québec.
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    Rethinking "identities": cultural articulations of alterity and resistance in the new millennium.Lucille Cairns & Santiago Fouz-Hernández (eds.) - 2014 - Bern: Peter Lang.
    This volume sets out to re-imagine the theoretical and epistemological presuppositions of existing scholarship on identities. Despite a well-established body of scholarly texts that examine the concept from a wide range of perspectives, there is a surprising dearth of work on multiple, heterogeneous forms of identity. Numerous studies of ethnic, linguistic, regional and religious identities have appeared, but largely in isolation from one another. Rethinking 'Identities' is a multi-authored project that is original in providing - in distributed and granular mode (...)
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    Environmental Ethics, Volume 1, Number 3, Fall 1979.Lucille D. Torres, Jane F. Uebelhoer, John N. Martin, Steve Rhodes & Oren K. Hargrove - unknown
    Quarterly publication discussing various topics in environmental ethics, including features, discussion papers, book reviews, editorial commentaries, and other text related to environmental philosophies. Some issues also include announcements and other news related to the environmental studies community.
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    The ConDialInt Model: Condensation, Dialogality, and Intentionality Dimensions of Inner Speech Within a Hierarchical Predictive Control Framework.Romain Grandchamp, Lucile Rapin, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Cédric Pichat, Célise Haldin, Emilie Cousin, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Marion Dohen, Pascal Perrier, Maëva Garnier, Monica Baciu & Hélène Lœvenbruck - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:454766.
    Inner speech has been shown to vary in form along several dimensions. Along condensation, condensed inner speech forms have been described, that are supposed to be deprived of acoustic, phonological and even syntactic qualities. Expanded forms, on the other extreme, display articulatory and auditory properties. Along dialogality, inner speech can be monologal, when we engage in internal soliloquy, or dialogal, when we recall past conversations or imagine future dialogs involving our own voice as well as that of others addressing us. (...)
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  21. Changes in the hospital as a place of practice.Lucille A. Joel - 1990 - In Joanne McCloskey Dochterman & Helen K. Grace, Current Issues in Nursing. Mosby. pp. 238.
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    Interview: Julio Cortazar.Lucille Kerr, Julio Cortazar, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, David I. Grossvogel & Jonathan Tittler - 1974 - Diacritics 4 (4):35.
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    Pastoral Power, Sovereign Carelessness, and the Social Divisions of Care Work or: What Foucault Can Teach Us about the “Crisis of Care”.Lucile Richard - 2024 - Foucault Studies 36 (1):322-349.
    ABSTRACT: Contemporary thinkers studying biopolitics find little interest in Foucault’s “vague sketch of the pastorate”. Described by Foucault as an inherently “benevolent” “power of care”, the concept seems inadequate to describe the deadly forms of carelessness that characterize the current government of life. Sovereign power, as a power of decision over life and death that works by distinguishing populations whose lives are worth affirming from social groups whose lives are not, therefore takes precedence in the examination of the governmental connection (...)
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    Sigmund FreudRichard Wollheim.Lucille B. Ritvo - 1975 - Isis 66 (1):150-152.
  25.  11
    Emotions and embodiment as feminist practice in the free abortion movement in France.Lucile Ruault - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (3):320-336.
    This article explores the critical role of emotions and bodies in the individual dynamics of engagement as well as the construction of collective identities and action in women’s groups in the 1970s in France. Much literature on emotion work in feminist organizations has tended to discuss emotions stemming from women’s dominant socialization processes as, above all, alienating, thereby as barriers to their activism. The Movement for the liberty of abortion and birth control offers essential insights into how gendered dispositions can (...)
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  26. The tyranny of typologies: evidential reasoning in romano-egyptian domestic archaeology.Anna Lucille Boozer - 2014 - In Alison Wylie & Robert Chapman, Material Evidence. New York / London: Routledge.
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    Does age affect metacognition? A cross-domain investigation using a hierarchical Bayesian framework.Lucile Meunier-Duperray, Audrey Mazancieux, Céline Souchay, Stephen M. Fleming, Christine Bastin, Chris J. A. Moulin & Lucie Angel - 2025 - Cognition 258 (C):106089.
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    John Dewey and the Philosophy and Practice of Hope.Stephen Fishman & Lucille McCarthy - 2007 - University of Illinois Press.
    _Inspiring new techniques for engaging students with democratic ideals_ _John Dewey and the Philosophy and Practice of Hope_ combines philosophical theory with a study of its effects in an actual classroom. To understand how Dewey, one of the century's foremost philosophers of education, understood the concept of hope, Stephen Fishman begins with theoretical questions like: What is hope? What are its objects? How can hope foster a new understanding of democracy and social justice? The book's second half is a classroom (...)
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  29. Buffon: A Life in Natural History.Jacques Roger, Sarah Lucille Bonnefoi & L. Pearce Williams - 1998 - Journal of the History of Biology 31 (2):298-300.
  30.  94
    Neuroleptics and operant behavior: The anhedonia hypothesis.Roy A. Wise - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):39-53.
    Neuroleptic drugs disrupt the learning and performance of operant habits motivated by a variety of positive reinforcers, including food, water, brain stimulation, intravenous opiates, stimulants, and barbiturates. This disruption has been demonstrated in several kinds of experiments with doses that do not significantly limit normal response capacity. With continuous reinforcement neuroleptics gradually cause responding to cease, as in extinction or satiation. This pattern is not due to satiation, however, because it also occurs with nonsatiating reinforcement (such as saccharin or brain (...)
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    Lucid Dreaming Brain Network Based on Tholey’s 7 Klartraum Criteria.Brigitte Holzinger & Lucille Mayer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:538638.
    Lucid dreaming refers to a dream state characterized by the dreamers awareness of being in a dream and being able to volitionally control its content. The aim of this study was to find neurophysiological evidence for the 7 criteria of lucid dreaming proposed by Paul Tholey. Each of the criteria was analyzed separately with regard to its underlying neurocircuits. We hypothesized that not one, but many regions are involved in the state of lucid dreaming. Our results have shown a satisfactory (...)
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    The Dreamland: Validation of a Structured Dream Diary.Brigitte Holzinger, Lucille Mayer, Isabel Barros, Franziska Nierwetberg & Gerhard Klösch - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  33. Cognitive variables in problem solving in chemistry: A revisited study.Kam‐Wah Lucille Lee, Ngoh‐Khang Goh, Lian‐Sai Chia & Christine Chin - 1996 - Science Education 80 (6):691-710.
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    Dewey's challenge to teachers.McCarthy Stephen M. Fishman Lucille - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (2):3-19.
    In 1932, as America struggled to overcome the great economic depression and Hitler was taking power in Germany, Dewey issued a challenge to teachers. Based upon what he viewed as the principle by which to judge "the processes of education, formal and informal," he urged teachers to embrace the following goal: "Education should create an interest in all persons in furthering the general good, so that they will find their own happiness realized in what they can do to improve the (...)
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  35. Beyond the gap: An introduction to naturalizing phenomenology.Jean-Michel Roy, Jean Petitot, Bernard Pachoud & Francisco J. Varela - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy, Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press.
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    Self-Management in Psychiatry as Reducing Self-Illness Ambiguity.Roy Dings & Gerrit Glas - 2020 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 27 (4):333-347.
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    Understanding phenomenological differences in how affordances solicit action. An exploration.Roy Dings - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):681-699.
    Affordances are possibilities for action offered by the environment. Recent research on affordances holds that there are differences in how people experience such possibilities for action. However, these differences have not been properly investigated. In this paper I start by briefly scrutinizing the existing literature on this issue, and then argue for two claims. First, that whether an affordance solicits action or not depends on its relevance to the agent’s concerns. Second, that the experiential character of how an affordance solicits (...)
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  38. What’s special about ‘not feeling like oneself’? A deflationary account of self(-illness) ambiguity.Roy Dings & Leon C. de Bruin - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (3):269-289.
    The article provides a conceptualization of self(-illness) ambiguity and investigates to what extent self(-illness) ambiguity is ‘special’. First, we draw on empirical findings to argue that self-ambiguity is a ubiquitous phenomenon. We suggest that these findings are best explained by a multidimensional account, according to which selves consist of various dimensions that mutually affect each other. On such an account, any change to any particular self-aspect may change other self-aspects and thereby alter the overall structural pattern of self-aspects, potentially leading (...)
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  39. The strength model of self-control.Roy Baumeister, Kathleen Vohs & Dianne Tice - 2007 - Current Directions in Psychological Science 16 (6):351–5.
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  40. Cardinality and Acceptable Abstraction.Roy T. Cook & Øystein Linnebo - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (1):61-74.
    It is widely thought that the acceptability of an abstraction principle is a feature of the cardinalities at which it is satisfiable. This view is called into question by a recent observation by Richard Heck. We show that a fix proposed by Heck fails but we analyze the interesting idea on which it is based, namely that an acceptable abstraction has to “generate” the objects that it requires. We also correct and complete the classification of proposed criteria for acceptable abstraction.
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    Situating the self: understanding the effects of deep brain stimulation.Roy Dings & Leon de Bruin - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (2):151-165.
    The article proposes a theoretical model to account for changes in self due to Deep Brain Stimulation. First, we argue that most existing models postulate a very narrow conception of self, and thus fail to capture the full range of potentially relevant DBS-induced changes. Second, building on previous work by Shaun Gallagher, we propose a modified ‘pattern-theory of self’, which provides a richer picture of the possible consequences of DBS treatment.
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  42.  56
    The dynamic and recursive interplay of embodiment and narrative identity.Roy Dings - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (2):186-210.
  43.  74
    Free will in scientific psychology.Roy F. Baumeister - 2008 - .
    Some actions are freer than others, and the difference is palpably important in terms of inner process, subjective perception, and social consequences. Psychology can study the difference between freer and less free actions without making dubious metaphysical commitments. Human evolution seems to have created a relatively new, more complex form of action control that corresponds to popular notions of free will. It is marked by self-control and rational choice, both of which are highly adaptive, especially for functioning within culture. The (...)
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    Introduction.Lucile Gaudin-Bordes, Michèle Monte & Geneviève Salvan - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    (1 other version)Femmes actives et assistance médicale à la procréation.Irène-Lucile Hertzog - 2011 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 192 (2):123.
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  46. Arendt Against Athens: Rereading the Human Condition.Roy T. Tsao - 2002 - Political Theory 30 (1):97-123.
    Miss Arendt is more reticent than, perhaps, she should be, about what actually went on in this public realm of the Greeks. —W. H. Auden.
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    The philosophy of metaReality: creativity, love, and freedom.Roy Bhaskar - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    The Vedanta of conciousness : transcendence, enlightenment and everyday life -- The alienated self and the Kabbala of transformation -- The Zen of creativity and the critique of the discursive intellect -- The Tao of love and unconditionality in commitment -- The yoga of action and effortless efficiency -- The nous of perception and the re-enchantment of the tree of life -- The gnosis of freedom and the Fana of fulfilment.
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  48. The Function Argument in the Eudemian Ethics.Roy C. Lee - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy 42 (1):191-214.
    This paper reconstructs the function argument of Aristotle’s Eudemian Ethics 2.1. The argument seeks to define happiness through the method of division; shows that the highest good is better than all four of the goods of the soul, not only two, as commentators have thought; and unlike the Nicomachean argument, makes the highest good definitionally independent of the human function.
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    Perspectival Logical Pluralism.Roy T. Cook - 2023 - Res Philosophica 100 (2):171-202.
    Logical pluralism is the view that there is more than one formal logic that correctly (or best, or legitimately) codifies the logical consequence relation in natural language. This essay provides a taxonomy of different variations on the logical pluralist theme based on a five-part structure, and then identifies an unoccupied position in this taxonomy: perspectival logical pluralism. Perspectival pluralism provides an attractive position from which to formulate a philosophy of logic from a feminist perspective (and from other, identity-based perspectives, such (...)
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    Learning words from sights and sounds: a computational model.Deb K. Roy & Alex P. Pentland - 2002 - Cognitive Science 26 (1):113-146.
    This paper presents an implemented computational model of word acquisition which learns directly from raw multimodal sensory input. Set in an information theoretic framework, the model acquires a lexicon by finding and statistically modeling consistent cross‐modal structure. The model has been implemented in a system using novel speech processing, computer vision, and machine learning algorithms. In evaluations the model successfully performed speech segmentation, word discovery and visual categorization from spontaneous infant‐directed speech paired with video images of single objects. These results (...)
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